So I've been trying to figure out for days what to write about. Trying to come up with some great indepth thought or saying. Some thing that might make a difference to someone, and the more I thought about it the more nothing came to mind and I've been getting very frustrated. So then I thought this is suppose to be fun and it's not meant to help anyone but me. So I've decided to just be me and if I want to be funny one day I'll be funny and if I want to be serious and indepth I'll be serious and indepth. One thing I'm not going to worry about anymore is who reads this. Sure I would love to have hundreds of follows but that's not what this is all about. This is just a good way to share what I've been thinking. But if you did stumble on to this site, welcome and I hope you enjoy.
I haven't really written much about myself, so let me take a few minutes to tell you who I am. I am a 46, yes 46 year old woman with a 26 old mind frame. I'm single and room with my two sisters and the three of us help take care of our mom.
I guess the reason I think so young is because I'm single and have never been married. I don't have any kids so it's very easy to act like a kid. Luckily I have a young face so it's not a creepy young attitude. I just like haveing fun...clean, family friendly, no parting fun. That's right I do not do the party stuff. If you are looking for a parting, who's hooking up with who type of a blog then thanks for visiting but that is not me.
Oh I guess you should tell you right off the bat that I'm a Christian, and to be more specific I am a Mormon. (yes Mormons are Christians.) So a
lot that I have to say is based on Christ driven thoughts. So again if that is not your thing, thanks for the visit.
Wait...I shouldn't push you away. Stay and read awhile. Maybe I'll say something that might interest you.
Another thing about me is I am, what some may classify as a Crazy Cat Lady. This is all based on the fact that I'm single and we have 4 cats and 1 baby kitten, and maybe a little because I'm fat. And yes, I love dogs too, but cats are my pet of choice. I am also a Disney Freak and I'm not afraid to admit it. This is where the kid in me really comes through.
So there you have it. that is a big part of who I am. Oh yeah... there is one more thing about me I haven't mentioned. I did self publish a little unknown book called, Magic in the Outback. And I am going to be coming out with a poetry book soon.
So there you have it. Me in a nut shell. I didn't even talk about how I am a good friend, I'm honest, trust worthy and I pretty much try and tell things like I see it. Which I guess may not be always the right way, but what are you going to do. Everyone has their own opinion. Right.
So until next time; don't be afraid to let your inner child take over once in awhile and stuff your face with ice cream.
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