Thanks for stopping by. So how has your joy been lately? Is it still with you or does it sometimes slip away? I have to confess that my joy is not what I would like it to be.
As I've been thinking about what I wanted to write this week, and what joy I wanted to share, I've really been struggling with it. Then I realized that once again my joy with in myself has been depleted.
So how can I find my joy again? Well I started searching for answers. I know one thing that helps is relying on my faith. Scripture reading, going to church and prayer. And I do all that, but I wanted to understand more of what's going on. So in my pursuit of finding Joy I went to my favorite source-- YouTube. Don't laugh, you can actually find some great stuff on YouTube, and I can find some really good content to listen to while I'm at work. You just have to search a little.
Well, while looking for joy content I ran across a very interesting documentary called The Truth About Depression. The documentary is done in Ireland so it's hard to understand some of it, but it has some great insights about depression. Especially severe depression.
For example, they talk about how when someone is depressed there is actually a physical change in the brain. They also talk about how a person who is suffering from depression tends to see things worse then they are. Such as, if someone doesn't say hi when they usually do, they obviously for some reason hate you and you did something to make them mad, so now that's why they hate you. (And don't even get me started on unintentionally hurting someone feelings. Oh, the torture!) And a small flaws of any kind becomes something that can never be corrected
I admit I do these all the time.
They also talked about the stigma of mental health and depression. How someone who isn't suffering from it or know anyone who is suffering from it doesn't really understand. They may say something like;
It's ok, just buck up.
Things will look brighter tomorrow.
Why are you so down all the time, your life is great.
Why are you still in bed, you need to get up and face the day. (Guilty, sorry Mom. See I do it too.)
Anyone who has heard these phrases needs to watch the documentary. Anyone who has said any of these phrases needs to watch the documentary. It will help you understand if you are suffering, if you know someone who is suffering or just understand in general, so if you ever run into someone who can't handle just getting out of bed you can be there for them. We all can be there for each other.
I know this blog is to help Find Joy in our lives, but sometimes we need to start with why can't we find the Joy.
Look, I'm not a doctor, a therapist or even a great scholar. I'm actually no one of any consequence. I'm just a person who after all these years decided to make up my mind and do something to find my way out of depression, when no one else could help, through finding Joy. These are just my thoughts and feelings and things I have found that are helping me. Please take them on their own merit. And what I have found may not help you, something else might be more beneficial to you.
So on that note, I hope you do watch the documentary, and let me know what you think. Did it make sense what they were talking about? What struck you the most? And if you liked what you read let me know and comment. And follow me I plan on finding out some more great tips and featuring some fun things I enjoy doing to bring Joy. Also I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out so there may be some changes here and there, and if you have any suggestions I would really appreciate them.
Thanks for stopping by and remember only you can Make Up Your Mind and Do It.
Bye, Thanks for stopping by! |
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