I had to take a few moment today and share the joy I have in my heart for the special mother's in my life.
If you have been reading my post you know I am not a mother. I unfortunately was not blessed with that gift in my life. But I was blessed with the gift of knowing so many great moms.

Then there's my cousin, Kim Chiu. She married a man from Hong Kong and after thirteen years of marriage she finally was able to have children through in vitro fertilization. Unfortunately her marriage wasn't as lucky as JoEll's. Three months after her twin boys were born her husband asked for a divorce.
There are so many wonderful women I could talk about who mean so much to me, Renee, Claire, Dana, but it would take all night.
Lastly I wanted to mention the one women who is my top mother on this special day for mothers. My own mom of course.
My mom is the best mom in the world. I know everyone says that about their mom, but I do believe it is true. My mom has to be one of the kindest, sweetest, and caring person I know. I have even seen her literally give a homeless man the coat, well jacket off her back.
Being a single mom raising five kids wasn't easy. Even though my dad was technically around he really wasn't much help physically and financially. We were pretty poor and we had to make due with what we had. But my mom always made sure we had food on our plates and a roof over our heads. She also always made sure that our birthdays and Christmas were special.
One thing she always made sure we did growing up was stay close as a family. Even today she drives that into our heads. "Stay close even when I'm gone." And today, even though we may live apart we still keep in pretty close contact with each other.
I have to say that without the example of these special women as well as many others I probably wouldn't be the woman I am today. So thank you all for being the kind of person you are and being a great example to me and to others and Happy Mother's Day you all deserve it.
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