I wanted to share with you today what my friend at work and I have been talking a lot about lately.
First off let me tell you a little about my friend. She is a wife and a mother, a hard working woman, she's working on getting her own business started. She's a strong christian woman and she's a great listener and therapist. She constantly helps me see the positive in myself, while telling me what I don't necessarily want to her but need to hear. She's my little bit of sunshine at my dreary dull work place.
So I mentioned how she is starting her own business. Well, her business is making skirts and T-shirts, a simple business but I have watched as she has gone from just one or two skirts a week to like anywhere from 5 to 10 or more a week. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but when it is just one person and you are doing it alone and you still have a full time job that is pretty good. I might be off on the numbers, but you get where I'm getting at right? She is also working on getting a non-profit organization for young girls together. She is defiantly a women of many talents and I'm so lucky to have her as one of my friends.
I have such great friends.
Anyway, so you are probably thinking to yourself, "ok, what is the point of this?" Well I will tell you. I bring my friend up because one reason why she is having such great success right now is her attitude. She has such a great attitude about where she is going.
Part of it is the positive and life coaching instructions she has been listening to and part is just her belief in God. Then when you combine the two and start to understand that all things are possible great things start to happen.
Let me explain myself a little better.
The things she has been listening to, and I started listening to as well, has a very universal theme. Meaning, they don't really mention God they're divine is the Universe, which for them is fine. But what they are mainly saying is when you allow your divine, who or what that may be, to be present in your life and believe that they will bless you, you will be blessed. You just have to believe and let go.
Another thing that was pretty strongly talked about was the power of positive thinking and not being afraid of shooting high for what you want. To Perceive what you want, Believe you can get it, and then know you will receive it or you can achieve it.
Some may feel like, oh that doesn't really work I tried it. Maybe some may feel like it's silly or I shouldn't shoot high, because that's being greedy or something. I don't know, I just know I've had these thoughts before. But the things is, it's actually worked for me.
When I was in my late teens early 20's I wanted to go to Australia. Well we never really had a lot of money especially to go on a trip to Australia. So I would fantasize about going. I even called into a radio station for weeks to try and win the grand prize trip to Australia. Then I went to a seminar which talked about this very thing about positive thinking and believing what you focus on is what you get.
This is really close to the actual picture I used. |
So that's what I decided to do. Now this seminar and the things my friend has been listening to both say you have to get specific. So I found a picture of the Sydney Opera House which shows the Harbor bridge running right next to it and I decided to circle a little blue car crossing the bridge, and every time I would see that picture I would say, "that's me going across the Harbor bridge." I did this for months. Then we moved and the picture got put away and I didn't focus on it as much, but it was always there in the back of my mind.
Jump forward about a year later and I decided to go on a mission for my church. Now for those who are not familiar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, both young men and young women are encouraged to go on a mission for the church. Men-2 years, women-18 months. Well after a lot of prayer and fasting I decided that that is what I needed to do with my life. So I went in and had my interview about going.
Now I need to tell you as missionaries even if you are asked where do you want to go that doesn't mean that is where you will go. It just gives them an idea. Most missionaries NEVER go where they really want to go. There is much prayer given to where you are needed and that determines where you are places.
So anyway, I was asked and I said I would love to go to Australia, but I understand I may be needed else where. I even prayed saying the same thing. Well to make a long story short (TO LATE) I did get called to go to Australia, and when my ride came to pick me up it was a blue car and I drove over the Harbor bridge in a blue car.
Now I know I took quite awhile to tell that story, but I wanted you to understand the full measure of this. I wanted to go to a place that was so completely out of the realms of what I thought I could ever achieve, and though it didn't happen over night it happened exactly how I said it. I went over the Harbor bridge in a blue car. And I didn't just visit I lived there for 19 months.
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we of course know it was our Father in Heaven's will that I was to go and serve the people of Australia, but that is the whole point of what we have been listen too. Letting the universe or Heavenly Father bless you. you can also think of it as having such faith that he will bless you that you can move mountains.
I bet you are sitting there thinking, "that's all good and dandy Elyce, but if it's so easy why are you so depressed all the time and don't continue to do this."
That is an excellent question and I have asked myself that same question. If I know how well this works why did I stop believing, and the answer is...ME.
I started learning about somethings that happened to me as a child and instead of continuing to believe in myself and what I could receive or achieve I focused on all the negative stuff about myself for the next 20 some years and let this belief disappear.
I believe this whole concept can also work in reverse. What you Perceive and Believe negatively you will receive or achieve. If I see myself as a looser my whole life that is what I'm going to be. But If I start realizing that I am great and can have the JOY in my that I want then I can.
I know I've been really long winded today. I'm just really excited about this new revelation that I've been given. Or I've had way to much Diet Coke. I guess My point is We all have it in us we just need to get out of our heads and believe we can do it. We can move mountains and allow God or the Universe (which was created by God) to bless us. We just need to do our part and believe and let go.
Well now that I went on and on I better go. Thanks for stopping by, the links to what my friend and I have been listening to is below. Take a listen if you want and let me know what you think and if you have any experiences where positive thinking has blessed you in your life leave me a comment I would love to hear about it.
The Secret Formula for Success
The MetaPhysical Secret - Law Of Attraction