Well here it is already September. I was going to write on Wednesday since it was the end of my month long positive thinking experiment, but my mom came home from the hospital and everything got pushed to the back and I just didn't get a chance to write. And sorry for missing last week altogether. Some things came up and I never even touch the computer.
So, August and positive thinking. It defiantly was not what I had planned on, but it proved to be what I needed. I was going into the month thinking about being positive about things that I could obtain. Things that were a bit more materialistic. Not that it is totally bad. Having more wealth and an abundance of certain things is fine as long as you still remember what is important.
This past month has proven that if you truly believe in something, think positive, and have faith that you will be blessed.
Once again my mom was faced with a life or death situation and pulled though it and is doing really well. Like I said, she came out of the hospital Wednesday and is doing great. The hole from her trach is healing nicely and so quickly. That actually is why she was able to come home when she did. They were going to wait until this weekend to take out the trach and release her, but since her body decided on it's own to get rid of it and started closing from the inside and actually pushed the trach out, the doctor said she was ready to go home.
Even though one day things will turn out differently, my sisters and I refuse to give up on her. We know she's a fighter and we know what she is capable of doing and so we are always thinking of a positive out come instead of the negative.
We have had so many positive out comes this past month with my mom being in the hospital. From her just doing so well to getting free pizza and friends bringing us food. I mentioned more I believe in my last post. It may not have been what I started out talking about this month with the Laws of Attraction and all but I hope I have shown you that no matter what you are focusing your positive energy on and you believe it you can achieve it. I believe one of the main reasons my mom is home today is because of all the positive energy sent her way. Either though prayers or kind words or just having a positive out look for her. It made a difference and I want to thank you.
I bet you're thinking ok the month of positive thinking is over, now what? Well I'm not going to stop focusing on being positive instead building on to it. It is a stepping stone for becoming a more Joyful person. What I want to focus on this September is Smiles.
What makes you smile? I would love to hear your stories. Is it a good book, a funny movie or joke. Is it something you saw or something you did. Comment below I would love to get a conversation going.
So until next time get those pearly whites ready and let me see you smile and remember; only you can make up your mind and do it.
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