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Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Weekend to Smile at.

Hi everyone, Thanks for stopping by.

I apologize for not posting last week. My mom sister and I went to a church women's conference called Time Out For Women last week. It's a great time to be spiritually revitalized and enjoy time with family and friends, here some great talks and listen to some great music.
Image result for TOFW
This years theme was One Heart One Faith and even though everyone talked about how we as christian  sisters can come together and make a difference. What I got out of it was that we all have difficulties and issues, and we all have struggles that others may not realize that are there, but we can be supportive even though we don't realize that we are just by being there and being kind and loving.

One thing I was focused on was listening for some kind of direction in my life. I might have got what I was looking for, but it all goes so fast I might have missed it. One presenters, Wendy Ulrich, spoke on the journey each of us are on and how we get from where we started and where we want to be at the end. And it made me think of the journey I started when I started my Joy journey. I think of how utterly miserable I was and even if I'm still not at the end of my journey, yet, I have come along way.

The other thing I was focused on was meeting new people. My friend at work challenged me to take the opportunity during this weekend to make new friends and document it by taking selfies. The goal was five. I met more than five. I didn't get all their info, but I would like to think I made some new friends.

The best part of the whole weekend and really made me smile was when one of the presenters, Michael McLean, really made my mom feel special.
Image result for michael mclean
Michael McLean
Although he was meeting and taking pictures with everyone who was standing in line. He took special notice of my mom. Here she was fresh out of the hospital, in a wheelchair and ready to go back to our hotel room. But she waited in line with me so I could get a quick picture. When he got to us he knelt down to her level and with real intent asked her her name, how she was doing and to tell him her story. It was as if he new all that she had been through the last month or so.

It's like a friend of mine said, it made me more joyful that he did that for my mom then anything he could have said to me.

Well besides the presenters the musical performer where amazing especially a group of younger men that go by the name of Gentri. If you want to hear some good music go to gentrimusic.com and listen to their music. It's so inspiring.

Well that's all I have to say today. Sorry again for my late entry. I also have to apologize I was going to share some photos but for some reason my phone is having technical difficulties and won't let me download my pictures. If I can get it working I will add the photos. Anyway, until next time if you do take a listen to Gentri comment below what you think.

So until next time smile and remember; only you can make up your mind and do it.

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