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Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Joy is in the Chocolate

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by.

So in the spirit of the season and finding Joy through having fun I thought it would be fun to talk about the best part of the Halloween season.


That's right don't deny it. Adults love candy too. Why do you think you dress up your cute little toddler as a sweet little princess or cute little pirate. Are you really going to let them eat all that extra candy they get because of their cuteness factor.

Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I admit that I myself have somewhat of an addiction to the stuff.  This girl at work has a couple of candy dishes that she keeps full of candy and at least once or twice a day she has to refill it. See most of us adults do have a sweet tooth.

Anyway I thought it would be fun to share the top 5 Halloween candies that I found. I know there are a bunch of different list out there, so what I did is took a bunch of list and made a top 5 from every one else's top 5.

Number 5 - Hershey's bar
Number 4 - M&M
Number 3 - Kit Kat
Number 2 - Snickers

And finally, the Number 1 Halloween candy is... Drum Roll please...dddddddd.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

That's right, that's what everyone wants in their bag. That's not what my top 5 would look like. Mine is.

Number 5 - Almoud Joy
Number 4 - Snickers
Number 3 - Whatchamacallit
Number 2 - Pay Day
Number 1 - Twix

So now that we know what we should be getting on Halloween I have one more thing to add. All this chocolate actually will bring you joy to you. Not just because it tastes good, it actually helps you feel joy.

There are so many different chemicals in chocolate that make you happy and joyful like;

Tryptophan, which releases the neurotransmitter serotonin into the brain and Serotonin helps lift your mood.

Phenylethylamine, Which causes you to be alert and excited and makes you happy.

 Anandamide stimulates the brain and cause the production of dopamine, which is the pleasure spot in the brain.

Well, there you have it at least three good reasons to eat all that extra candy your little ones will get this Halloween. So I say dress up and go out with your little pumpkins and get some of that delicious mood enhancer goodness and have fun. 

Until next time watch out for ghost and ghouls and remember; only you can make up your mind and do it.

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