I've been staring at the blank screen trying to figure out what to say for days now, but I'm having a hard time, You see I would like to be uplifting and positive on this blog and try to inspire not dwell, but lately I've been down and I'm not sure why and I'm having a hard time picking myself up.
If you read my earlier post One Step at a Time from January 1st I mentioned that I thought I was border line clinically depressed. Things have been going better and each step I've been taking on this journey of mine has been moving forward.
I've been working on having a brighter outlook. I've made a big, I mean a big, step forward by going back to my old church congregation and putting any hurt feelings I had behind me. I even have a position as a teacher for the 6 and 7 year old. I'm still working on somethings that I discussed with my bishop. But my spiritual part of my New Years goal is starting to fall into place.
Now other aspects, like loosing weight have fallen by the wayside.
I was listen to a program on a website called the Mormon Channel one day and they were talking about New Years resolutions and goals and how to achieve them and how you should really only work on one at a time, because if you have to many you will probably fail and then get discourage and they are absolutely correct.
Here is the link if you would like to listen to it for yourself. What Makes a Successful New Year's Resolution - January 01, 2015
When the year started out I had all these goals that I planned on accomplishing this year, but I've stopped working on some of them for right now, because there are other things to worry about.
I know one thing that has effected my mood is my mom.
Since the beginning of the year she's been in the hospital and then rehab now she's back in the hospital again.
I don't know. I guess I just need to keep going. Just let this bout of depression take it's course and look for the positives in life.
Sorry for being Debbie downer, but thanks for letting me express myself. Until next time smile it may make someones day.
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