About Me

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Finding Joy: a Relaunch of Life

Have you ever woke up looked in the mirror and wondered, Why? Have you ever you ever just wanted to stay in bed forever, not wanting to face anyone, but knew you had to get up, put on a happy face and face another day?

I know there are probably a lot more of you out there then we think. We each have our own trials that we go through. Loss of a loved one. Both physically and emotionally. Loss of physical possessions such as a home, a car, and all your belongings. Such as those effected by the tornadoes in Rowlett, TX.  And then there are those who suffer from just being depressed. Maybe it's clinical, maybe it's just a bad week, but what ever the reason you just are unhappy.

Well that is me, the last one. I have a home, a car and my belongings. I haven't loss a loved one recently, thank heavens, I really haven't loss anything-- but my joy.

I haven't been diagnosed with clinical depressing, but if I went into the doctor about it she probably might say I am, except for the fact I can put on a real happy face when I want to.

A few years ago I was going to two not just one but TWO therapist to help me with my issues and one of them actually said I didn't need his help, because when we talked about my dreams I sometimes would dream of Mickey Mouse and he wasn't coming at me with a meat cleaver. See so I can put on a happy face. But a happy face isn't necessary being happy and it defiantly isn't having joy in your life.

So why am I writing about not being happy and having joy? Lately I have been in a funk and my depression has seem to be over take me. No matter what I do I can't seem to pull myself out of this quicksand of despair and self loathing, I've lost my JOY. So in an attempt to find my JOY again I would like to go on a quest to get back to the person I want to be. Happy, Healthy, Spiritual, Confident and Joyful. And I thought I would bring anyone who wants to join the quest and find their JOY with me.

Well, one thing that I have found brings me joy is writing, which is the main reason I decided to relaunch this blog. And I love poetry, so I've been posting my poems on Facebook and Instagram under the name "Poem and Pen". Well, I've decided to expand on this and start a blog devoted completely to my poetry and other writings. This site is for Finding Joy in Life.

So as I, I mean We, start this new journey in our quest for happiness and Finding Joy I hope you will share your ups and downs and what brings you joy and together we can concur this demon called depression and find joy.

If you liked what I had to say leave a comment and let me know what brings you Joy.

Image result for inside out

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