Thanks for stopping by. So if you noticed the title I'm going to talk about Gratitude again. I know you're probably thinking, "Wow she talks a lot about gratitude." Why yes I do, but there is a good reason why I do.
As you know I've referred to Amanda Gore quite a bit, I think of her as my Joy mentor and I have been reading her book, Joy is an Inside Job, and the first things she talks about is gratitude.
At first I have to admit I was thinking, what does gratitude have to do with Joy. Well later on as I was thinking about what I read I understood it better. When you are focused on things that you are grateful for it gets you out of your own head and you are more aware of what you have been blessed with.
Another thing she talks about is putting on gratitude glasses.
You've heard of looking through the world through rose color glasses. Well when you are wearing your Gratitude Glasses you can much better see your blessing and appreciate what you have been given. I know sometimes I fall into a pity party and look at what I don't have, a husband, kids, a successful career... I don't stop and think about what I do have. Family and friends I love, great nieces and nephews, and a job that is pretty much stress free that I make a descent pay at (just a side note I just reached my ten year anniversary.)

So I'm going to take Amanda Gores advise and put on my Gratitude Glasses and look for things to be grateful for and increase my Joy.
Thanks for stopping by, I would love to know what you're grateful for, so comment below and we can wear our gratitude glasses together.
Also don't forget to check out my new, Make Up My Mind and Do It, YouTube channel and when your there don't forget to subscribe and join the Joy Journey.
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