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Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Simple Haircut Can Change Your Joy

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by.

So last week I talked about doing simple things that bring you joy and allowing time for pleasure and I challenged myself to do that. Take a day or a couple of hours and do something simple that brings me pleasure. Well I did.

After writing and posting last weeks blog I went and got my hair cut. Afterwards, I was thinking about it and it could be considered as a counterfeit joy like I talked about two weeks ago. It's more, in the moment sense of joy. More material and outer joy then a deep seeded joy. But then again, let me think this through.

Yes, getting the haircut itself is material, but the pleasure part was allowing myself to take it to the next step and pay a little extra to get what I really wanted. Not just get the standard cut to make it look descent and get it out of my eyes, but to allow myself to have fun and take it up a notch. For instance I got highlights. 

Results - I felt so good about myself that the next day I put more of an effort into how I look. I put on make up, I wore a cute summer outfit, put earrings in. Then I was talking to my friend at work and she told me that she could see a change in how I felt about myself. I stood up a little straighter, my smile was wider, and I just looked happier.

Now you can argue that of course when you get a new cut you are going to feel better about yourself especially if you are getting compliments on your new due. The trick is to take that confidence that you are feeling and use it to your advantage.

So I've decided to make goals for myself. Look in the mirror and give myself positive affirmations to build up that confidence that I already have due to the new look. Keep it going, because I know me when my hair starts looking pretty scraggly my confidence starts to diminish, so then by the time that happens I will still feel good about myself. That's the counterfeit part about this whole experience. The joy I feel right now seems to just be temporary.

So my next challenge to myself is to do the goals I mentioned above and to focus on the positive. The positive in myself and my life and what the positive can bring to my life.

My friend Tameka, who I mentioned before, has been doing a lot of study of a way of thinking called The Laws of Attraction.

No, its not the attraction you feel when you see a good looking person.

It's more about how you see yourself and where you are in life and where you want to be. Who you are and who do you want to become. Focusing on what you want is what you get. Remember when I talked  about when I wanted to go to Australia and I focused on it. That's what I'm talking about.

You may be asking what does this have to do with my goals and getting a great new haircut. Well I'll tell you. I feel so much joy right now that I have been exploring this idea of Laws of Attraction and that I want to get it working again in my life. I know it works I've done it before, I went to Australia, I've just let it slip away from me.

So starting August 1st my friend Tameka and I are going to really focus on The Laws of Attraction and thinking positive for a 30 challenge and see how this can really change our lives. This isn't going to be just thinking small positive things this will be strong big possible thinking.

I hope you will stop by as I write about this journey. Better yet I hope you will take this challenge and join me on this journey. Take August and start focusing positive energy on the things you really want in your life and who you want to be.

Well I better go, but before I go. Did you take the challenge last week and do something to allow time for pleasure I would love to hear about it, comment below and tell me how it went. How did it make you feel? Did it change your outlook on things?

So until next time be safe and remember; only you can make up your mind and do it.


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