Let me ask you a question. Do you have fear? Let me rephrase that, what are your fears? We all have fears. Some people are afraid of the dark or heights. Some people are afraid of spiders or snakes. And then some people are like me and have more inner fears.
I don't know why but for me the thing that can bring me the most success, fulfillment and Joy is the same thing that can give me so much anxiety and fear...Myself.
I have so many thoughts rushing through my brain most of the time giving me doubt, telling me that I'm no good, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'll never succeed that I have been successful accomplishing what I believe is nothing.
Fear... has stopped me from following success, finding true love, following my dreams and finding true Joy in my life.
Well it is time to change all that. In my pursuit of finding Joy I was listening again to my favorite Joy finder (Amanda Gore) and ran across a really great clip about joy and fear. She makes the statement that, we are all wired for joy. We don't come out as babies thinking my life sucks. We are programmed though out life to feel Fear. But if we prime people for joy they're performance, productivity, creativity and innovation will sky rocket. And don't we want that?
Now before I go on, I just have to say that in her clip she is talking to a company about being a good leader and how to motivate people, but it works for individuals as well. Also, not all of her statements are accurate or in order. I'll post the link below so you can see the whole thing from her joyful self.
Anyway she goes on to say; that there is a inner scale that goes from Fear to Joy and most of us don't know where we fall on the scale. We need to determine where we are on the scale and where you want to be. Also that fear is behind our behavior and there is a need we do to settle the fear witch creates the behavior. If we can settle the need to where we feel safe and secure of the fear we can change the behavior.
Which make perfect sense. I know I will act out, shut down or completely back away from something that brings me close to my fears. But when I feel ok by doing something and start feeling confident about it my fear lessons and I can accomplish more. Like when I see you all are reading this it take away my fear and I am able to write again. So thank you.
She continues with; Where are you on the scale and where are you facing. I want you to turn away from fear and face Joy, because the moment you do that your life will change.
Well thank you for stopping by, if you liked what I had to say don't forget to comment below or let me know some ways you have turned away from your fears and found joy.
Here's the link to the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9toSAnmtnFk
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