Imagine yourself at home by the phone waiting for a call that should have come hours ago and you hear a knock on the door. A policeman is standing there and proceeds to tell you the worse news you could ever hear...
Your husband and son have died in a tragic car accident.
This unfortunately happened to a good friend of mine just a year ago, and as this anniversary came I couldn't help but think about this woman and her daughter and what a great example they have been at even in their sorrow they have found joy in there life.
I've heard so many times that when there is a death or any tragedy in someones life it does two things. It either pulls a family together or pulls them a part. A person either lets this death or any tragedy control them or they gain strength. My friend and her daughter appears to have pulled together and gain strength.
Last September I went to a women's conference called Time Out For Women, and for a day and a half heard motivational talks from different men and women in my church. Well one women who spoke was a quadriplegic. Her name is Meg Johnson, she is a motivational speaker, author, artist, teacher and a non-profit founder.
Well she spoke about her accident and how she had fallen off a cliff and broke almost every bone in her body, but even though this could have broken her spirit and instead of letting this tragedy control her and her life she controlled it and ended up founding Ms. Wheelchair Utah.
Your probably thinking this is all good and everything, but how do we find the Joy? Well to be honest I'm not sure. Meg Johnson turned to God, her family and church.
I read recently in a book a just got called, Finding Joy; 101 Ways to Free Your Spirit and Dance with Life, by Charlotte Davis Kasl, PH.D., that freeing ourselves to find joy also involves making peace with the concept of death. I think you could actually apply to many different things.
Lets go back to my friend. I mentioned how she has been a great example to me. Let me tell you a little bit why.
The day of the memorial when everyone usually wears black or at least dark color her and her daughter were in bright beautiful spring colors. As I watched her come down the hall and into the chapel they looked so beautiful. I talked to her later and she said they were celebrating their life. And she thought her husband would get a kick out of it.
Well through this past year every time I've been able to spend time with her she has always been so positive and upbeat celebrating life. I know it's not always like that, but they find that joy it in themselves.
Although it hasn't been easy for her, and she to has leaned on God, the church, family and friends. She knows that even though she has lost her loved ones and will be without them for awhile, as member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, she will be with them again some day when her time is over.
I know I haven't given any real solutions for anyone who may have faced a terrible tragedy or even a small set back, but there is a way to find Joy, we just need to remember that there are people who love us and to rely on who ever we believe in, be it God, Allah, or the Universe.
Thanks for stopping by. If you have been able to get through some hard times and were able to find joy or know someone who has I would really love to hear your story, or if any of what I said helped or touched you, please leave a comment below.
Have a great day and remember, only you can make up your mind and do it.
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