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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Finding Joy with Positive Affirmations

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by once again.

So when I started the month my main focus was to spend this month concentrating on positive thinking and manifesting a positive outcome on a more material way. Maybe fine a way to make more money or get more money. Work on my writing and maybe get things ready to publish. But it was focused on things that in the long run could be considered as superficial. Instead All my positive energy has been focused on the most import person in my life--My mom.

Just a quick up date, she is doing so much better. Still in the hospital but recovering.

Even though I have been focused on my mom I have been doing some focusing on my self as well. Maybe not as much as before, but I have to start somewhere. So I have been trying to be more positive and Finding Joy just being me. Working on having a better attitude with who I am. So I've been giving myself positive affirmations.

In the book Finding Joy; 101 Ways to Free Your Spirit and Dance with Life, Section 24 - Affirmations Work...If you say enough of them.  Author Charlotte Davis Kasl, PH.D wrote, "The principle of affirmations is that light energy crowds out dense energy. Dense energy comes from creating negative, self-defeating thoughts, and light energy comes from replacing negative thought with self-affirming thoughts that help you take charge of your life and move forward."  And isn't that what we want to do is move forward and have light in our lives not darkness.

I have always had an idea how to go about having positive affirmations or thinking of positive affirmations, but I wasn't sure what the basic definition of affirmations and how to go about it was, so my friend Google and I did a little searching and I came across this great definition from the website Science of Mind Spiritual Center.

To affirm anything is to state that it is so, and to maintain this as being true in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Human thought can only affirm, for even at the time of denial, it is affirming the presence of that which it denies! Repeating an affirmation is leading the mind to that state of consciousness where it accepts that which it wishes to believe.–The Science of Mind, Glossary – page 575 

Affirmations can be used to change your thinking and change your life! Make up your own, or choose from the many affirmations you can find by clicking on one of the categories below. Just make sure that whatever affirmation you choose, that you truly believe the words. Remember, what you can conceive, you can achieve! 

If you want to see the different affirmations that they have listed click on the link above.

So there you have it. Thinking and repeating what you truly want to achieve. Here are my positive affirmations. They are probably to wordy, but I like it. I put them on my bathroom mirror so every time I go into the bathroom I'll read them.

You have to be careful though because even though this is great to make positive things happen you can create negative affirmations as well. Let me share a quick little story with you.
York. The day we were leaving my family was running really behind, not unusual for us, and as we were driving I went into panic mood and kept saying we're not going to make it, we're not going to make it. I was putting out so much affirmations that I was going to miss my flight that what I focused on was about to be achieved.

Suddenly we felt a big jolt and realized that our car had just be clipped on the back of our car by a semi truck. Luckily he did just clip us, but we had to stop, the police had to come, and all that you have to do when you get in a fender bender.

Well I knew at that point and time that there was know way I was going to make my flight. We were still at least a half hour away and the flight was suppose to leave in about an hour. Luckily my mom had the good sense to grab my bags sens me down the off ramp and have me start asking people if they could take me to the airport.

Side note, this was a while ago I don't know if I would recommend doing it these days.

Anyway, to make a long story short. A nice lady took compassion on me got me to the airport on time and I made my flight.

I guess you can look at this story two way. The negative affirmation: We got in a fender bender with a semi and I could have missed my flight, or the positive affirmation of my mom that there was no way I was going to miss my flight and she made that happen by taking action.

I guess my point is we do have the power to make things happen in our lives the way we want them. But do we want them negatively or positively.

In Philippians 4:8 it reads, Finally, brethren (and sisters), whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I really like this scripture because even though it isn't actually about positive affirmations it does give you an idea what we need to be focusing on in our lives and with in ourselves. And that's a pretty good place to start.

Well I better go. Sorry if this didn't make the kind of sense I wanted it to make, but I hope you got something out of it. If you did and you have some good affirmations or a story where something happened due to positive thinking comment below I would love to here them.

Well until next time stay safe and remember: only you can make up your mind and do it.

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